Monday, October 20, 2008

COSTA RICA - General Info

Best Time Of Year

In order to choose the best time of year to come to Costa Rica, you should look at the regional seasons outlined, in addition to taking into consideration several other factors such as weather and crowds.


Costa Rica does not really know all 4 seasons. During the summer months (mid December to April is known as summer in Costa Rica), temperatures are extremely hot and the chance of rain is very unlikely. However, crowds during these months can get pretty fierce, especially over Christmas, New Year's and Easter Week. This is Costa Rica's high season and therefore, hotel and car rental prices will be higher during this time of year than the rest of the year. The best surfing from December to April can be found anywhere along the northen peninsula(Nicoya) or on the Caribbean.


The rainy season technically starts in May and lasts until the end of November. However, during the months of May, June, July & August, temperatures are still hot and the heavy rains have yet to fall. Common weather at this time is sunny skies with late afternoon or early morning rain showers. The real rains truly begin in September and last until the end of November. The biggest advantage of traveling during these months is lower prices (this is the low season) and much fewer crowds.